


PC Member / Reviewer

Nature Medicine,
Computers in Human Behavior,
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
Pattern Recognition,
Information Processing and Management,
CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction,
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology,
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things,
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing,
IEEE Transactions on MultiMedia,
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems,
Journal of Signal Processing Systems,

Ubicomp, CHI, ICRA, ACII, ICMI, SmartCOMP, Mobicomp, PerCom

Invited speaker

‘The Interactive Development of AI and the Research on Chronic Pain’
Seminar, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, 01 2022.

‘Ubiquitous Human Behavior Sensing for Intelligent Chronic Pain Rehabilitation’
‘Nursing + X’ Forum, School of Nursing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 10 2021.

‘The Role of AI in Chronic-pain Management’
Showcase, Hospital Authority (HA) of Hongkong, AIRS, 04 2021.

‘Leveraging Activity Recognition to Enable Protective Behavior Detection in Continuous Data’
Seminar, AI Society Journal Club, UCL, 02 2021.

‘From Facial Micro-Expression Recognition to Protective Movement Behavior Detection’
Seminar, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, 12 2018.

Teaching assistant

COMP0053, Affective Computing and Human-Robot Interaction (AC-HRI), a post-graduate taught course at UCL, 2017-2021.
PSYC0021, Affective Interaction, a post-graduate taught course at UCL, occasionally 2017-2021.


Manqiu Liao (BUPT), Tianyi Xia (HIT), Yifan Wang (CityU), Lexi Chen (PKU), ACSP 2024 program, in progress.

Lingxiao Zhong, Siqi Zheng, Chi Zhang, Zixuan Zhao, Gaorong Liang, Student Research Training (SRT) Project, THU, 2023-2024, in progress.
Two papers published in CHI’24 and IMWUT/UbiComp’24.

Cen Guanting, M.Sc project, UCL, 2021. Awarded with Distinction.
Exploring Multimodal Fusion for Continuous Protective Behavior Detection’, a outcome of the project is accepted to ACII’22.

Yi Kexin, B.Eng project, HUST, 2021.